Friday, December 9, 2016

A great new Tumblr blog about opossums

Hey, everyone, bookmark this Tumblr blog.

1 comment:

  1. I have 3 baby possums under my deck. The last several years I've had a new litter under. my deck. My first reaction was ugh. I felt guilty for my reaction was solely on their rat like appearance. I have a few fixed Ferrari cats that are now 17 years old and was afraid the possums would carry diseases. They eat any cat food the cats haven't eaten. They act very hungry, My yoga teacher has an organic farm and they bury all their food waste. Almost everyone is horrified at the thought of possums under my deck. What do I do with them? I don't really want to start to feed them, food left out attracts raccoons -very messy very dirty, but cute. Right now fighting sugar ants.
